15 Ways You Know You Are An Intern In D.C.

Internships open up so many doors, but they do not come without some interesting experiences.

Created by CRNC (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jul 1, 2015

Running of the interns is your only workout for the summer...

"ooof, so where's my Baked and Wired cupcake??"


What is a paycheck??

"What is this paid internship you speak of?"


You envy those who can pull off a seersucker outfit.

#SeersuckerThursday #Fresh


You have had to save a softball field on the mall...

"I don't care if it's raining John...go save a field."


You have been to at least one Nationals Game.

"Of course I love baseball! I mean come on it's like America's favorite past time." (To self: "oh my god nine innings of this??")


Whatever political party you side with doesn't matter, it's extremely entertaining to witness members of Congress out of their element.

#ballparkdogs #swag


Saving a seat for your boss at a hearing is life or death.

"Yes this seat absolutely taken...now step back."


You had to take detailed notes at that hearing and you know they won't be used.

but in the slight chance they are used they must be perfect.


You had to replace your whole wardrobe with work clothes.

"What do you mean jeans and a polo aren't "work appropriate???"


You decide what events to attend based on the free food and drinks...

"Um...yes I totally support the issue that your committee is fighting against...are you going to eat that slider?"


You hated coffee and now your survival depends on it.

"What are you looking at?? This is only my third cup today!"


You have had at least one crush on another intern.

"Why is everyone in D.C. attractive???"


Your funds keep disappearing, but who is spending them?

"Mom I swear I have no idea who spent $50 at Ben's Chili Bowl!"


You have envisioned yourself as an elected official at least once.

"Yeah thats right, I will change the world one day."


But at the end of the day you wouldn't trade the opportunity for anything.

#TheCapitol #SummerTimeInD.C.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021