Mark Cuban Fined For F-Bomb At Gaming Expo Then Learns It's For Charity

We swear it was for a good cause.

Marcus Tillman
Created by Marcus Tillman
On Nov 23, 2015

Cuban is a master trash talker and things got a little out of hand this Saturday. When he was told he was going to be fined $15,000 for dropping the f-bomb he decided to do it again when he learned the money was going to charity. Here is the clip -*Warning* contains strong language.

youtube embed goes here!


Cuban was competing in the League of Legends show match at the Intel Extreme Masters San Jose.


Cuban's team played against Intel CEO Brian Krzanich's team. Cuban's all-star team filled with current and former League pros came in for the win.


Was Cuban's word slip awesome or awful? Let us know in the comments below!

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