12 Times Futurama Made You Ugly Cry

Because the dumb show had some powerful messages.

Maddyson Herselius
Created by Maddyson Herselius (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 29, 2015

When Bender cut his antenna off just to be roommates with Fry.

Bender: You're my best friend, Fry, I'm sorry I treated you so badly.
Fry: Apology accepted. After all, you're only human.

Bender showed he wanted a friend, and Fry was his first. And because of that, he gave up the essence of being a robot just to stay friends with him.


When Bender proves to be a really good dad, and gives up his son to let him become a Bender.

Bender: You sure you wanna be a bender, son?
Ben: More than anything.
[Bender takes his son's hand.]
Bender: Just remember, your daddy loves you. Remember that, will you, son? Remember that!

Bender loved his son, which is rare for Bender to care about something, but his son wanted to be a Bender like his dad. With only one slot for a memory card, it was either being Bender's son, or a Bender himself.


When Fry realized his brother named his son after him after he went missing.

Yancy's wife: I know what name you wanna give him Yancy. It's OK.
Yancy: Really? [She nods.] Son, I'm naming you Philip J. Fry in honour of my little brother, who I miss every day. I love you, Philip, and I always will.

Fry is convinced his brother stole his name after he went missing and took his life from him. He later finds out his brother missed him very much, and to honor him, named his own child after his brother.


When you realize Hermes is inspector #5 and saved Bender even though he was defective.

If you didn't ugly cry during this part, you're lying.
Bender discovers he was defective, not having a back up in case he were to die, and Hermes helps him "find" inspector 5. Hermes ends up saving Bender from death, as he was inspector 5 all along.


When Fry accidentally travels into the future and misses a date with Leela, but she left a special message for him.

*Ugly cries forever*
Fry misses a date with Leela because he accidentally traveled into the future without a way to go back. She spends her life angry with him, but then finds out he was sent into the future against his own will. She leaves him a nice message to find.


When Leela discovers her true origin.

Father: She'll never know we're her parents.
Mother: That's our gift to her. Better we should die than have her learn the shameful truth of her origin.

Leela's parents make is seem as if she were an alien, left on Earth, but in she's a mutant. Knowing mutants aren't allowed on the surface and live poor lives, they wanted to give her a better future.


When Bender becomes an infinite being with all intelligence, but realizes it's more important to have friends.

Fry: Wow. You gave up your superintelligence to save us. Why did you come back?
Bender: Honestly, I couldn't think o' one good reason. But some decisions can't be made by thinking. Even if you're drunk! No galaxies there.

Bender becomes overclocked and is suddenly obsessed with obtaining knowledge. He becomes the largest supercomputer, but when Cubert and the Professor are in legal trouble, he gives up his brains to save the day.


When Leela thinks Fry was killed, and erases her memories of him because it's too painful.

Leela: Orange?
Fry: Purple?

Leela thinks Fry was killed in the making of sausage, and was so distraught she had all of her memories of him erased. Fry had actually fallen beneath a glacier where a society of neanderthals lived, he hit his head therefore looking like them and losing his memories as well. Leela and Fry and reunited when they recognize the colors the other show.


When Fry goes back into his memories of right before he was frozen, and doesn't want to leave his family.


Fry has to travel deep into his memory, back to before he was frozen to discover the origin of a sound he heard. He is reunited temporarily with his family and has a very tough time letting them go again.


When the crew has to go to the Space Bee hive, and Fry gets stung, and then it's actually Leela who was stung.

Fry's Photo: I don't know if you can hear me, Leela, but there's something I wanna tell you. I love you.
Leela: [crying] I'm so scared, Fry. I don't know what to do.
Fry's Photo: Just wake up, Leela. Please. Just wake up.

Fry is seemingly stung by a space bee, killing him, and Leela has lucid dreams that make her believe he's still alive. In her dreams, he continuously tells her to "wake up" and in the end it's discovered she was actually the one stung and was in a coma.


The story of Fry's dog, Seymour.

Fry: I had Seymour till he was three. That's when I knew him and that's when I loved him. [He picks up Seymour's fossil.] I'll never forget him. But he forgot me a long, long time ago.
((But he never stopped waiting for Fry))


When Leela and Fry spend a lifetime together, and get to re-experience it all again.

What do you say? Want to go around again? I do.

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