You Won't Believe What This Nine Year Old Can Do With A Camera!

Never underestimate a Nine year old!

Louise Belcher
Created by Louise Belcher
On Jun 22, 2016

Meet Nine Year Old Regina Wylie. She's the one holding the camera.

Like a total professional!


Regina and her father Kevin Wylie have been taking photos together in Scotland since Regina was only three years old!

She's years ahead of the curve!


Regina's first shoot? A mountain bike race! She picked up her Dad's Cannon and started shooting the bikes. Since then, she's graduated on to wedding photography, and she's doing pretty well!

One of Regina's brides getting ready!


In fact, many brides have started to ask for Regina specifically to shoot their weddings! A few of her pictures have been picked up by magazines, and she's getting more and more requests!

Regina has mad skills


As for Dad? Kevin is pretty darn proud of his little girl! Nice going Regina-we're excited to see where you'll go with your amazing talent!

To see more of Regina's work, click here!

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