Here come the Mongols!
Here come the Mongols!
The Mongols acquired a vast empire in a very short time, only for it to dissolve within eighty years.
In this Playbuzz Story, you can learn about the Mongols and compare their empire with those of Rome and Britain. You will gain an insight into how they conquered so much territory in a relatively short time and discover what happened when they attacked Japan. There are also some questions for you to answer - each with feedback, explanations and praise for your intelligence and intuition.
Thank you for reading this remarkable story from 13th-century history!
The Mongols acquired a vast empire in a very short time, only for it to dissolve within eighty years.
In this Playbuzz Story, you can learn about the Mongols and compare their empire with those of Rome and Britain. You will gain an insight into how they conquered so much territory in a relatively short time and discover what happened when they attacked Japan. There are also some questions for you to answer - each with feedback, explanations and praise for your intelligence and intuition.
Thank you for reading this remarkable story from 13th-century history!

The Founder of the Mongolian Empire
The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears...
Genghis Khan
Grandfather of Kublai Khan
Which word below is a synonym of "vanquish"?
Which attribute seems unlikely to have been commonly shown by Genghis Khan towards his foes, based on the quotation you have just read?
Which option is a definition of an empire?
Kublai Khan and the Quest for World Domination - Questions
Kublai Khan's first and most important objective was to conquer _______ and ________________.
While in the process of conquering China, Kublai Khan sent messengers to Japan, ...
Once he realised that the Japanese were not going to give in to his demands, Kublai Khan ordered that a __________ be built.
The Military Tactics of the Mongols - Short Video
youtube embed goes here!
One minute from Crash Course History - Wait for it... The Mongols! (from 5.58-6.57) - click on the subtitles if desired. John Green has a habit of talking fast!
The Military Tactics of the Mongols - Questions
1 Which option correctly describes the Mongolian style of fighting?
2 Which option correctly summarises the Mongolians' weaponry?
3 Which option accurately describes the Mongolian reaction to castles?
4 Which option below accurately reflects Mongol battle tactics?
5 Which option correctly summarises the Mongolian response to fortifications and castles?
The Geography of Conquest and Empire
As you can see from this map, the Mongolian Empire was...
Which countries below did not become parts of the Mongolian Empire? You should be able to recognise one of the countries in this picture.
Which geographical feature would have provided India with a natural defence against the Mongols?
Waves, Winds and Storms - A Famous Work of Art
Artist: Katsushika Hokusai Source: The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Public Domain via Wikipedia
Winds, waves and storms have influenced the collective psyche of the Japanese people and this is reflected in their art. This is hardly surprising, when you consider how often they have had to deal with extreme weather conditions and typhoons. The famous painting above shows Mount Fuji in the background and powerful waves in the foreground.
The Mongol Attacks on Japan
The Mongols attacked Japan on two occasions, 7 years apart, in 1274 and 1281. Luckily for the Japanese,...
The Japanese seized on this remarkable twist of fate, believing that their gods had sent "divine winds" to save them. Their name for these "god-winds" was ______.
In what way did the legend of the kamikaze continue to be influential into the 20th century?
Ms Green
Thank you very much for viewing this presentation and taking this quiz about the Mongols, their empire and their attempted invasion of Japan. You can find more activities on my blog page.
Kublai Khan
I can scarcely believe that my magnificent armada was destroyed, just like that. I refuse to admit that the Samurai warriors fought bravely. It was only the typhoons that saved them from my army, which should by rights have swept all before it. I am devastated by this loss.
Samurai warrior
We fought with courage and honour and our gods rewarded us by sending their divine winds, the kamikaze. The gods were on our side!
Ms Green again
The greatest happiness is not to vanquish your enemies, whatever Genghis Khan thought. In your opinion, what constitutes "the greatest happiness"? Which aspects of this story intrigued or surprised you?