13 Things You Only Know If You're A Messy Person

You have a system, okay!?

Daniel Roth
Created by Daniel Roth
On Apr 21, 2016

You used to be embarrassed about how messy you were...


...but now you don't even care.

It's just who you are.


Tracey Emin's "Bed" looked exactly like your room

You definitely could have done that.


You go through phases of trying to be SUPER NEAT.

You spend ages throwing things in bin bags, ironing your clothes and neatly lining things up on your bedside table.


It never lasts, though.

Slowly but surely the mess starts creeping back up on you before you even notice.


When you were younger, your parents were probably always telling you to tidy your room.

They just, like, didn't understand you.


Bringing people back to you room is always a gamble.

How are they going to react to your mess?!


If someone tidies up for you, you HATE IT.

You were saving that ball of elastic bands! You REALLY NEEDED that pile of old newspapers!


You have come up with incredibly creative ways around cleaning.

Which makes you resourceful, not lazy.


Febreze is your best friend.

Sometimes you just don't have time to do the laundry, okay?!


Your version of tidying is "shoving everything under the bed"

Out of sight, out of mind.


You really related to the messy girl Ross dated on Friends



You're actually really organised in your own way

Everything might be on the floor, sure, but you know where everything is. Who needs filing cabinets when you have a floordrobe?

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