8 Vegetables You Can Regrow Forever and Ever

Bet you didn’t know you could regrow your celery just by sticking the butt-end into a glass of water!

Carlie Dobkin
Created by Carlie Dobkin
On Jan 22, 2016


Regrow them using their discarded roots. Leave an inch of the scallion attached to the root then put them in a glass of water. Place the glass of water in a room that’s well-lit.



Garlic sprouts can be grown from the garlic clove and have a mild flavor from that of garlic. The sprouts can be added to pasta, salads and other dishes. When they begin to sprout, have them placed in a glass that has little water.


Bok Choy

In a well lit area, place the Bok Choy’s root ends in water. Give them 1-2 weeks then transplant them to a pot that has soil. It will grow a new full head.



Carrot greens can be regrown from carrot tops. Have the carrot tops put in a dish that has little water. Place the dish in a room that is well-lit or on a window sill. Carrot greens are a bit bitter but when chopped up together with garlic and sweetened with vinegar, they can be used in salads.



Basil cuttings can be used to grow new basil. Put basil clippings that have stems of 3-4 inches in a glass of water. Place them in direct sunlight and when the roots get to 2 inches long, transfer them to pots. With time, they will grow into full basil plants. Be sure to change the water constantly though, so they don’t get slimy.



You can use the leftover celery bottom for this. Cut the base off and place it in a shallow bowl or saucer in the sun. The leaves will thicken and grow with time in the middle of the base. Transfer it to soil after 3 days.


Romaine Lettuce

Romaine lettuce can be grown from the bottom of a lettuce head. Put stumps of the romaine lettuce in a ½ inch water. Make sure the water level is at ½ inch. Few days after, transplant the romaine lettuce into soil once new leaves and roots appear. The leaves can grow up to twice the size. Cabbages can also be regrown in the same way.



If you place the stems of cilantro in a glass of water, they will grow. Transplant them when the roots become long enough, to a pot that has soil. Place them in a room with ample lighting. The plants will be fully grown in a few months.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021