These Dogs Were Saved From Becoming Someone's Dinner! Now They Are Free To Just Be Adorable!

Now there's a reason to be seriously cheerful!

Brad Majors
Created by Brad Majors
On Jun 21, 2016

These dogs were rescued just days before the Yulin Dog Festival, and not a moment too soon!

I know he looks stressed, but everything is going to be OKAY little buddy!


The Humane Society International negotiated with the Chinese Government for the release of thirty dogs, and five cats, who were being kept at a slaughter facility in Yulin.

As you can see, they want to get the heck out of these cages!


They were living in filthy conditions, and some even had collars, suggesting that they had been stolen from homes.

Hopefully some of these babies will be able to go home!


The Yulin festival is scheduled to begin as planned, despite an international petition that gathered over 11 Million signatures. But these animals won't be beaten to death and then eaten!

It's a small victory, but it's a victory nonetheless.


This little guy will be able to run free!

To read more about this fantastic rescue, click here!

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