What Type Of Energy Do You Have?

Find out what type of energy you are carrying and project out into the world.

Created by Willow (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 21, 2015

Which image best describes you?

What type of music do you listen to? (which one do you listen to the most if you listen to a lot of different types)

Which of these pictures do you like the most?

Which color do you wear most often?

Which mythical creature would you rather be out of these options?

Which path would you take?

Psychics are...

How do you feel about Gay Marriage?

Which person in all of these pictures would you be?

Which of these people would you like to meet?

Pick a tree...

Pick which image you like the most.

Pick a castle to live in....

You follow the Dark

You follow the Dark

You walk a hard and sometimes lonely road. You path is not necessarily desired but it is necessary to the balance of our world. Embrace who you are.

You follow the Light

You follow the Light

You walk through life in the light. You are a teacher and a guide to others. You create harmony in the word.

You are burdened with Fear

You are burdened with Fear

The opposite of Fear is love. To combat the fear you carry inside, you must learn to accept love and you must learn to love yourself.

You shine with Love

You shine with Love

You are a being of love. You create a safe place for others and many will follow you.

You radiate Hate.

You radiate Hate.

The way to overcoming hate is to understand. Know that while you do not have to agree with others you must learn to understand them or your heart will forever carry this burden.

You are carrying Sadness

You are carrying Sadness

You have seen hard times and it has taken its toll. The world may seem depressing but you can find joy in love, people, and most importantly yourself. Always remember to love yourself.

You are Wandering

You are Wandering

You are the wanderer. The wild card. the unexpected. While you energy may not always make sense to others, know that those who wander are not always lost. You are Free.

You radiate Joy

You radiate Joy

You are the life of the party. You never lack for friends or company and everyone loves to be around you.. Keeping spreading joy to the world!!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021