This Artist Makes Rat Really Really Cute!

And I really am not a fan of rats, but these pictures melt my heart

Created by Nope
On Dec 31, 2015

Rats. Some people find rats cute, but the general concensus is they're terrifying rodent monsters that carry the plague and are terrible.

But these rats?

These rats are cute.

Where is this little guy going? What is in his suitcase? So many questions!


Dutch artist Nadya Bonten-Slenders took part in a one drawing a day challenge in 2013. She completed it, and it really helped her hone her skills.

Sleepy rat, asleep on the moon.


Bonton-Slenders draws things other than rats, but these are just so adorable.

Best rat friends!


Where are this pair off to? Can I human come on this cross-species romp? Please?


Little rat, in an upside down umbrella, in the rain!

I'll save you, little man! Don't let your fur get wet!


Look at them flying! Little rat trapeeze artists!


Lil rat family! Usually this phrase would terrify me, but this rat family I can deal with.


To check out more of Bonton-Slenders work you can go here:

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