How great is your ego?

This test is not promised to be 100% accurate, however it should have a bit of accuracy to it!

Created by Vyrox (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

Define the word "ego".

How much do you agree with this quote?

You're in a meeting with your boss, and you're thirsty. There's a water glass in front of your boss. You can wait till you finish the meeting, or drink from his glass. What would you do?

You're in a filled bus. A very old woman enters the bus, standing near to you. What would you do?

You're stuck in traffic, and you need to reach your destination quickly. What would you do?

You're in a long queue, and you can't wait much long. What would you do?

How quickly do you get pissed off?

What do you think of other people around you?

0%-10% Egoistic

0%-10% Egoistic

You're a very kind person, and this kindness might be a disadvantage for you someday! Grow some ego and pride, it's not a bad thing. Just don't let your ego control you, and balance your kindness with your pride, and you'll be on your way to success.

10%-30% Egoistic

10%-30% Egoistic

You're a kind person, and you got some pride, but sometimes you're shy from people, and sometimes you get confused: What do I do?! How should I react?! Let your instinct guide you, don't fear anyone and don't be shy. Nobody should get under your skin, and nobody can embarrass you, as long as you've got some pride! Don't ever forget that.

30%-50% Egoistic

30%-50% Egoistic

You've got it all! The balance between your pride and your kindness, the balanced ego, you're perfect! Stay like this, and you're sure to find great friends and great roads ahead of you.

50%-70% Egoistic

50%-70% Egoistic

You might be a little bit too proud of yourself. Not that it's bad, but when pride makes you be unkind to others or feel better than them, it's just wrong. Remember that you could have been born poor, or bad-looking, or anything you don't like. What you are is what you are, however that doesn't mean you can be arrogant and show off whatever you have. Feel the others, help the ones in need. You might need help one day, and you surely wouldn't want people to ignore you. Right?

70%-90% Egoistic

70%-90% Egoistic

You're so arrogant, and that is not good for you. You should try to listen to others a bit, and share their feelings. Try to help them, even if you push yourself. It can't kill you to help others, right? If you believe that people who like you like this will benefit you later on life, you're wrong. They're just using you, just like you're using them. You won't find true friends and true happiness if you've got no kindness in your heart.

Too much ego

Too much ego

Your ego has become overinflated. You compare yourself to others, always ending up saying you're the best. You seek acceptance to justify your ego needs. You crave respect and recognition from others, which eventually interferes with your success. You always show-off your brilliance and coolness. You must try to fix yourself before it's too late. You will regret it one day.

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