Stephen Colbert Took On Both National Conventions As Hunger Games Persona

Welcome to the Hungry For Power Games!

Tom Wyatt
Created by Tom Wyatt
On Mar 29, 2017

Stephen Colbert is nothing if not at home when political news abounds...and so is his alter-ego, Julius Flickerman.

Julius is, of course, a relative of the Hunger Games announcer, Caesar Flickerman and has a deep love of drama of all kinds.


Colbert - or rather Flickerman - took the stage at the Republican National Convention last week along with his weasel.

youtube embed goes here!

(No, that's not a typo. He has a weasel named Caligula.)


However, when he attempted to do the same at the Democratic National Convention...he wasn't quite as lucky.

He (and the weasel) had run ins with many a security guard in his attempts to make it on stage.


Prepare yourself for a full seven minutes of adventure and attempts as Flickerman tries to accomplish his goal in Philadelphia.

youtube embed goes here!

Personally, I vote Flickerman for the moderator for every political debate here on out.

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On Nov 18, 2021