Which Lilly Singh Trait Do You Share?

How are you and Lilly alike?

Created by TigerBeat (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Pick a celeb soulmate.

Pick a unicorn-themed object.

If you could be any celeb for a day, who would it be?

You're Confident

You're Confident

You and Lilly both share an awesome air of confidence that glows inside and out. You make people feel at home around you and are brave enough to tackle life's obstacles head on, with a smile!

You're Hilarious

You're Hilarious

You and Lilly both share a hilarious sense of humor that keeps everyone around you laughing. You're relatable, have an eye for the comedy in life and never fail to give those around you the giggles!

You're Kind

You're Kind

You and Lilly both value kindness and making the world a more loving place. Whether it's being especially supportive to your close friends or reaching out on a bigger scale, you care about helping others feel great about themselves.

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