Quiz: Which Emma Stone Character Are You?

Find out with this quiz!

Created by TigerBeat (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Choose a leading man.

Which food could you eat for the rest of your life?

What bums you out the most?

Which song is your dancing jam?

What is your go-to lip color?

You are Mia from "La La Land"

You are Mia from "La La Land"

You're a big dreamer who will stop at nothing to reach your goals. You're determined and driven, but also a total romantic at heart.

You are Gwen from "The Amazing Spider-Man"

You are Gwen from "The Amazing Spider-Man"

You're a hard worker with a heart of gold who has a passion for learning and always becoming a better person.

You are Olive from "Easy A"

You are Olive from "Easy A"

You have a wonderfully sarcastic sense of humor and love to lighten the mood with laughter. While rumors may get you down sometimes, you know it doesn't really matter what other people think!

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