You're A Genius If You Get 10/10 In This Cross-Knowledge Test

Only 2% of the population can score more than 5/10.

Terry Stein
Created by Terry Stein
On Feb 25, 2018

What is the pigment that causes plants to be green?

What color do you get from mixing blue and yellow?

What kind of poem has 5 syllables, then 7 syllables, then 5 syllables again?

What kind of animal is a frog?

Which of the following is not a mammal?

How many sets of teeth do humans grow in their lifetime?

Which ocean is the largest?

The action of turning liquid to vapor is _____.

What is the fastest land animal?

Last one: what color do you get from mixing red and green?



Genius!! You got a PERFECT score!! Only 2% of the population can score this high.
This cross-knowledge test was based on a recent IQ study. People who score 10/10 are introverted, shrewd, and highly intelligent. You can see problems before they occur, and you have elaborate inner dialogues and thoughts.
SHARE the test if we’re spot-on.



Genius!! You got 9/10!! Only 4% of the population can score this high.
This cross-knowledge test was based on a recent IQ study. People who score 9/10 are rapid learners with multiple skills and interests. You are bored if not engaged, and you constantly require stimulus in your fields of passion.
SHARE the test if we’re spot-on.

F-!! But at least you get a medal.

F-!! But at least you get a medal.

You got 5/15!!
No worries. Most people can't get more than 4/15.
SHARE this insane cross-knowledge test with everyone you know.

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