These 7 Questions Will Reveal What Chocolate Dessert You’re Most Like
These 7 Questions Will Reveal What Chocolate Dessert You’re Most Like
National Chocolates Day is NOVEMBER 29TH. Are you prepared?
National Chocolates Day is NOVEMBER 29TH. Are you prepared?

Yup, we know... You may not believe it... But you can actually be connected to a specific chocolate dessert! And yes - your daily habits, your interests, and your opinions all factor into this revelation.
In case you didn't know, every year on November 29th, we celebrate National Chocolates Day! And as odd as that may seem, we don't ask any questions to any excuse to eat additional chocolate. Because, well, why would we?! It's CHOCOLATE.
Maybe you'll want to take extra steps in honoring the day this November 29th! Beyond taking this quiz and finding out what chocolate dessert you're most like, here are some ideas to have fun with as well!
Enjoy eating some chocolates!
Go out and buy yourself a bundle of your favorite chocolates or maybe even some that you've been wanting to try for a while! Whether it's a simple chocolate bar that you've loved since childhood or a fancy chocolate caramel pie from the local bakery, this day offers every reason to indulge.
Create a Chocolate Themed Playlist!
Didn't know chocolate-songs existed? Now's the time to open up your Spotify and find your favorite ones.
Try making chocolates at home!
There's tons of fun and creative recipes online for making homemade chocolate desserts, or you can keep it basic with melting chocolate and dipping fruit in it! It's your life, enjoy it how you want.
Host a National Chocolates Day Party!
Invite some friends and/or family over and ask everyone to bring a chocolate dessert. Have them all share the dessert with everyone in attendance and watch their blood sugar, we mean happiness levels, go up!
>> This Chocolate Quiz Will Reveal the Exact Age of Your SECRET LOVE
On a typical weekend morning, what time do you wake up?
What's your favorite thing to order at brunch?
How old are you?
When invited to a potluck, what do you usually offer to bring?
Do you have more of a sweet tooth or savory tooth?
When's your favorite time of year?
Last but not least, which word would your friends and family use to describe you best?
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
Based on your answers, you're most like chocolate covered strawberries! This means you may be more of a playful type, with an appreciation for all-things-romantic. You're likely on the younger side of the age spectrum, and loooove this dessert due to the crunchy outside and soft inside!
Dark Chocolate Brownie Cake
Dark Chocolate Brownie Cake
Based on your answers, you're most like dark chocolate brownie cake! This means you may be more mature than the typical person your age, and you like the mentality of work-hard, play-hard. Your life doesn't revolve around all-things-sweet, though you appreciate the bitterness of dark chocolate with a hint of sweet chocolate filling.
Coffee Chocolate Mousse
Coffee Chocolate Mousse
Based on your answers, you're most like coffee chocolate mousse! This is a fun one, combining the classic coffee and chocolate - which, to some, are two separate worlds. We have a feeling you're an early bird, and love to appreciate getting your work done early so that you can relax and/or spend time with your loved ones later in the day. You're likely more on the introverted side, though when you have a strong opinion, you get out there and make your voice heard. Love that!
What type of dessert do you like most?
What type of dessert do you like most?