Which Steven Universe Character Are You?

I love Steven Universe so I thought I'd make this quiz <3 See what character you are!

Created by Supah (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Have you ever lost a loved one?

Pick one of your good qualities!

Pick one of your bad qualities.

Introvert or Extrovert?

Do you like warm colours or cold colours?

Who are you seen as to other people?

Pick a dessert!

And finally, how did you like this quiz?



You are Steven! You're goofy, funny, and very caring and loving. You're strong mentally and physically, but you always like to hang out with the Crystal Gems!



You are Pearl! You're strong, sensitive, and graceful. You try to act like a role model, but sometimes your emotions take over you. You're controlled, powerful, and very intelligent!



You're Garnet! You are very strong and controlled, and you are also the leader of the crystal gems! You are quiet and intelligent, as part of sapphire, and strong and a little bit tempered as ruby.



You are Amethyst! You are fun loving, and a little bit lazy, but the best friend anyone could have. A lot less serious than most people, but when you put your mind to it, you can do anything!



You are Lapis! You are sensitive, strong, and a tad bit lonely. But you've been a great friend to Steven, and stopped the Crystal Gems from being hurt. You are overall a savior, but you just want to go home



You are Peridot! You are intelligent, nerdy, and a bit bitter to the Crystal Gems. But don't worry! Everyone seems to love you anyways, so it's all good.



You are Jasper! You're very strong and powerful, but you don't use it for good too often. You fused with Lapis but were trapped by her, so you're probably somewhere in the middle of the ocean right now. But don't sorry! Someday you may take over the world.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

You are Rose Quartz! You are caring, loving, and the previous leader to the Crystal Gems. You posses many trates of Steven, because he's your son. Fun loving but strong, you will make a fine leader some day too!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021