Steve Harvey Wants to Know; What's Your Ultimate Deal-Breaker in a Relationship?

It's I Love My Man, But...Week at Steve Harvey. But what is the one thing you absolutely cannot tolerate in a relationship? Take the quiz and find out! And don't forget to tune in to STEVE HARVEY everyday! Check your local listings for time and channel.

Steve Harvey
Created by Steve Harvey (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

Which of the following is the biggest turn off for you on a first date?

Which of the following would make you the angriest in a relationship?

What do the majority of your arguments with your partner center around?

What is your partner's best trait?

Have you ever ended a relationship because your partner lied to you?

Have you ever ended a relationship because your partner stopped talking to you?

Have you ever ended a relationship because your partner stole or borrowed money from you?

Have you ever ended a relationship because your partner never wanted to do what you wanted to do?

If your partner was to give you a gift for your anniversary, what would you want it to be?

If you had to describe your ideal partner in one word, what word would you use?

Lack of Trust

Lack of Trust

Your deal-breaker is a lack of trust. You can put up with almost anything, but lying and cheating will NEVER be tolerated. You value your own worth and you'd rather walk away with your head held high than walk into another bad situation. Your perfect partner will respect what a catch you are and will never treat you poorly.

Be sure to catch other deal-breakers on STEVE HARVEY
July 27th - July 31st at

Lack of Communication

Lack of Communication

Your deal-breaker is a lack of communication! You value being able to talk to your partner, and when you feel like they're not listening, that poses a problem. Your perfect partner will not only listen, they'll also contribute to the conversation.

Be sure to catch other deal-breakers on STEVE HARVEY
July 27th - July 31st at

Lack of Money

Lack of Money

Your deal-breaker is a lack of money. Money isn't everything, but when your partner is living above their means, it's stressful for everyone. Your perfect partner will respect the financial boundaries you set and will contribute to any and all expenses.

Be sure to catch other deal-breakers on STEVE HARVEY
July 27th - July 31st at

Lack of Similar Values

Lack of Similar Values

Your deal-breaker is a lack of similar values. You both are passionate and opinionated people, but when you and your partner are unwilling to compromise, the relationship is never going to flourish. Your perfect partner may not agree with everything you believe in, but at least they have an open mind about it.

Be sure to catch other deal-breakers on STEVE HARVEY
July 27th - July 31st at

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