This Would You Rather Test Will Determine Your MBTI Type
This Would You Rather Test Will Determine Your MBTI Type
Would you rather be an INFP or an ENTJ?
Would you rather be an INFP or an ENTJ?

Would you rather eat an:
Would you rather:
Would you rather:
Would you rather eat:
Would you rather:
Would you rather:
Would you rather eat:
Would you rather:
You are an NT!
You are an NT!
You are intellectual and your main function is thinking! You can be a little alternative and lead a life off the beaten path. People appreciate your cool ideas and zany personality!
You are an NF!
You are an NF!
You are a true blue idealist. You are a romantic and live in a world of fantasy and dreams! You are most likely an artist or writer who can't help but create beautifully and inspirational works of art!
You are an SJ!
You are an SJ!
AS an SJ you value hard work, dedication and loyalty to your country. You are a dutiful person and live to serve your community. Your lead with our senses and make great athletes, chefs or craftsmen.
You are an SP!
You are an SP!
You are full of life and positivity! SP's tend to be blessed with great sensory awareness so they make great artists, entertainers and athletes. You are a mover and a shaker and great at small talk and schmoozing. You are an expert networker.