Can You Pass This Culinary Arts Test?

Only the best chefs in the world can pass this test. Can you compete with the likes of Gordon Ramsay?

Stephanie Lee
Created by Stephanie Lee
On Feb 24, 2019
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Coated saute pans are ideal for creating a nice crust on meat items.

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Deep-fry is a dry heat method that cooks foods by fully immersing them in hot fat.

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Marinating is soaking an item in a combination of wet and dry ingredients to provide flavor and moisture.

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The primary point of basting is to prevent foods from drying out during the cooking process and to add flavor to the foods being cooked.

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Par-cooking is designed to shorten the finishing time of the food items during meal service.

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The primary purpose of heating the saute pan is to cut down on the overall cooking time.

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Steaming can be defined as a moist-heat cooking method in which foods are cooked by direct contact to vapors created by broiling water.

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Steaming can take with or without pressure.

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Broiling is a rapid cooking method that uses high heat from a source located below the food. 

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