What is your true Patronus?

Have you ever wondered what your TRUE Patronus is? Well take tis test to find out which Patronus animal suits you!

Sophie Sewell
Created by Sophie Sewell (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 29, 2016

What word best describes you?

Out of these options, which is your favourite animal?

Are you a powerful Witch/Wizard?

Which fears you the most?

Are you an Outdoor or Indoor person?

Would your happiest memory be...

Do you think it is a powerful, happy memory that would defeat 1000's of Dementors?

What Wizarding Sweet do you most enjoy?

Which Witch/Wizard do you look up to most?



Your Patronus is kind and loving and will protect you at all costs. Those Dementors don't stand a chance with this gorgeous animal at your side. You are a truly powerful Witch/Wizard with the power to repel hundreds of Dementors! A fox symbolises loyalty, trust and adventure. So get ready for the greatest moments of your life! Now that you have your true patronus, go and give it a shot! EXPECTO PATRONUM!



Your true Patronus is a Cat! A Cat is a very independent animal that is sure to repel those Dementors away! You may have put yourself down as a lazy, indoor sort of person, but a Cat is a trustworthy animal that will keep you safe from the dark arts. A Cat symbolises trust, independence and happiness. Go fight off those Dementors! EXPECTO PATRONUM!

Wild Boar

Wild Boar

Your true Patronus is a Wild Boar! I know that doesn't sound great, but Wild Boar's will fight for their Witch/Wizard who cast them no matter the cost. They are brave and loyal and will certainly crush those Dementors. A Wild Boar symbolises bravery, loyalty and a will to survive. Go beat those Dementors with your new Patronus! EXPECTO PATRONUM!

Wild Stallion

Wild Stallion

Your true Patronus is a Wild Stallion! You should be very proud of yourself as this is the most brave and courageous out of all the Patronus's. Your Wild Stallion will protect it's master very well, repelling hundreds of thousands of Dementors, you are a very powerful Witch/Wizard and should know that the Wild Stallion symbolises hope, courage and adventure. Go bash those Dementors to the ground! EXPECTO PATRONUM!



Your true Patronus is a Wolf! Your Wolf will protect you against even the strongest of all Dementors. This is the Patronus of Remus Lupin, one of the bravest of all known Order of the Pheonix members and one of the most loyal to Harry himself. A Wolf symbolises protection, love and sacrifice. Congratulations on your new Patronus! EXPECTO PATRONUM!



Your true Patronus is a Dophin! If you are feeling a little disappointed, don't. Dolphin's are among the bravest creatures that walk (swim) this Earth. They will fight off anything that tries to stand against it or it's master. Dolphins symbolise truth, loyalty and bravery. Repel those blasted Dementors! EXPECTO PATRONUM!



Your true Patronus is a Lizard! A Lizard is a calm natured animals that will protect it's master from whatever dares to attack. Lizards are sneaky and are casted by quite powerful Witches/Wizards. A Lizard symbolises calmness, discovery and fortune. Go ahead and attack those Dementors! EXPECTO PATRONUM!

Wild Hare

Wild Hare

Your true Patronus is a Wild Hare! Wild Hare's are rare Patronus's and are cast by powerful Witches and Wizards, so you should be proud of your new Patronus. Wild Hare's are different from average Rabbit Patronus's because they produce more power to destroy the Dementors. A Wild Hare symbolises memories, power and future as you are immediately cast with a good future the moment you produce your Wild Hare. Have fun with your new Patronus! EXPECTO PATRONUM!

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