Quiz: Brandy

Before her debut on BET's Zoe Ever After, take our quiz to find out how well you know Brandy.

Siphilile Shelembe
Created by Siphilile Shelembe(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

In which show did Brandy first star?

What is Brandy’s middle name?

Who is not related to Brandy?

What is the name of her first album?

Brandy was the first African American to play which princess?

Which horror movie does she star in?

What part of Brandy’s body is her favourite?



You need to brush up on your knowledge of Brandy. Don't miss Zoe Ever After on BET.

Almost Doesn't Count

Almost Doesn't Count

You know a couple of things about Brandy. Stay loyal by watching Zoe Ever After on BET.

Top of the World

Top of the World

Congratulations! You are a Brandy fan through and through. Don't miss her on Zoe Ever After on BET.

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