Can You Recognize The Ashton Kutcher Movie By One Quote?

He is a real comedy star.

Santiago Lechmann
Created by Santiago Lechmann
On Feb 9, 2022
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The great Ashton Kutcher is turning 44 years old and we cannot believe it! Known for amazing movies such as 'Dude, Where's My Car?', 'Coming Soon' or  'The Butterfly Effect', Ashton has proven to us he is a movie star.

Do you think you can remember all of his movies? Let's find out!

>> EXTRA HARD! Can You Guess This Jim Carrey Movie By One Frame?

1 / 11

“That's just it, she's everything I'm not. You know, she's my other half. Without her I'm not whole"

2 / 11

"This is a Ringling Brothers compact! I don't understand it. I loooked at the brochure and it had a Fiesta on the cover, not a Bingo!"

3 / 11

“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes..."

4 / 11

"Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact. And that is that everything around you that you call life, was made up by people...” 

5 / 11

"You said 'I Love You' while you were sleeping in the hotel bed, but I didn't told you that. Because I want to be the one to say it first"

6 / 11

“The scruffier your beard, the sharper you need to dress"

7 / 11

“Emily, I'm flat broke. I don't have a job. I don't have a plan"

8 / 11

“What can I say? When you know, you know.”

9 / 11

Which movie is it?

10 / 11

"I refuse to play your Chinese food mind games!"

11 / 11

"I killed a couple guys and had to get out of Dodge"

Questions left
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