Are These Benefits About Chocolate True or Not?

Good or bad, most of us will admit... we love chocolate!

Santiago Lechmann
Created by Santiago Lechmann
On Apr 4, 2022
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Is there really anybody out there who doesn't like chocolate? If there is, I don't wanna meet them! No, just kidding. But chocolate is one of the most amazing things and most enjoyable things on Earth and we cannot deny that.

So, in regards to "National Chocolate Mousse Day" we can do something other than eating chocolate the whole day: Find out whether chocolate is good or bad for us! What do you think? Time to prove ourselves in a delicious quiz!

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Chocolate is the best food for growing your nails

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Dark chocolate contains lots of antioxidants that are good for our cells

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Chocolate could help prevent certain cardiovascular problems

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Dark chocolate helps stimulate blood flow to the brain and to the heart, improving cognitive functions

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Chocolate is one of the most recent discoveries in successfully preventing hair loss

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Chocolate is a great stimulant due to its good amount of caffeine

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Just like carrots, white chocolate might help you with certain vision issues

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Chocolate helps promote healthier and more hydrated skin

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Chocolate improves boosting serotonin, which regulates sleep and mood

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Cocoa reduces bad cholesterol, responsible for damaging coronary arteries

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Chocolate reduces muscular pains and stomach aches

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