11 Facts About 'Uncharted' That You Might Not Know

The videogame of a generation comes to life.

Santiago Lechmann
Created by Santiago Lechmann
On Feb 21, 2022
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Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, and Antonio Banderas are the new stars from the new "Uncharted" movie, where Nathan is facing one more, terrible and dangerous adventure. Based on the iconic videogame, Uncharted is everything fans were expecting and more and, of course, WHAT A CAST to tell a magnificent story, right?

What do you think about the movie? Are you looking forward to watching it? Have you already done it? Well, take a minute before that, and let's find out if these curiosities about Uncharted are true or false.

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What's Nathan's mentor name?

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Which treasure are they looking for?

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What does Nathan do for a living?

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To which of these cities do they travel to?

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Who played the role of Santiago Moncada?

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Whose the composer from all Uncharted music?

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Who's Uncharted director?

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Tom Holland learned how to do shifts by the Chiltern Firehouse staff.

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What's Chloe Frazer role in the movie?

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Mark Wahlberg was meant to play Nathan role in the early production

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Mark Wahlberg won an Uncharted tournament when he was a boy

Questions left
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