Are Your Dreams Trying To Warn You? This Quiz Will Determine If Your Brain Is Trying To Tell You Something

Our dreams have a way of uncovering feelings and hidden truths buried deep within our inner dialogue. Our egos shield certain truths from us during the day but while we are asleep they appear as images in our dreams. Do you have a mental block on something that your dreams are trying to tell you about? This quiz will determine if your brain is trying to warn you through your dreams.

Robert Ducey
Created by Robert Ducey (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Sep 28, 2018

Flying is a commonly reported theme in dreams. Please select the answer which best describes you.

Falling is a theme often reported in dreams. Select the answer which best describes you.

Death is a commonly reported theme in dreams. Select the option which best describes you.

Paralysis is a commonly reported theme in dreams. Select the answer which best describes you.

Have any of the following animals appeared in your dreams recently?

Running or being chased are both commonly reported themes in dreams. Select which best describes you.

How often do you awake suddenly during a dream?




Based on your answers it does appear your brain is trying to warn you of something. Your answers indicate a general uncertainty and anxiety active in your subconscious.




Your brain is not trying to warn you of anything. Your answers indicate you have a general feeling of control over your life. While we all have some anxiety we push below our conscious level, you have less than most.

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