No One Can Solve This Latest Riddle And It's Stumping Everyone

You've stumbled upon a bridge and this troll is not going to let you cross unless you answer their riddles.

Ricky Maldonado
Created by Ricky Maldonado (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 31, 2019
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As you are about to cross a bridge a troll stops you and says you cannot cross unless you answer their riddle.

The troll explains they are very lonely and have not seen a person in a very long time. They have forgotten their name and how old they are. They need you to help them.

The troll will let you cross the bridge if you can successfully guess their name and age. You only get one chance to guess each correctly. The troll will provide you with all the information you need to answer correctly.

The troll looks at you and says "I am twice as old as my younger brother and half as old as my father. In 50 years, my brother will be half as old as my father."

How old is the troll?

The troll says he has 2 brothers named Rick and Ralph and a sister named Rachelle. The troll continued to say his cousins are named Ryan, Richard, and Ricky.

The troll repeated "What is my name. What is my name?" Based on the information given to you by the troll, select their name from the options below.

You solved it!

You solved it!

Wow, based on your answers this troll would definitely let you cross their bridge. You probably could have gotten around them another way, however. There's lots of bridges.

You failed!

You failed!

Sorry but that troll is not going to let you pass their bridge. Have you considered Google'ing an alternative route.

No One Can Solve This Latest Riddle And It's Stumping Everyone 

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