This Golden Retriever Has The Best Job Ever!

And it doesn't hurt that he's so darn cute!

Randy Marsh
Created by Randy Marsh
On Jun 10, 2016

This is Thomas. Thomas likes cookies.

This is literally what my dream looks like. Cute dog, also cookies.


Thomas likes many foods. Including popsicles.

On a hot day what more do you need? A cute pup and iced refreshments!


Thomas also likes to eat healthy. He enjoys strawberries.

Happy happy summer doge.


Thomas is a foodie. He'll eat pretty much whatever you've got around. His job? Instagram food model. And reviewer.

I give these french fries three woofs!


Thomas doesn't discriminate; he likes candy just as much as french fries!

Thomas and I have a lot in common.


This hummus? Thomas thinks it's delightful!

Yes PLZ!


But Thomas's favorite food of all? Banana Pancakes!

You can follow Thomas's food adventures here!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021