Which British Stereotype Do You Conform To?

There are many stereotypes about British people, some false and some, well, quite frankly spot on. Take the quiz to find out which British stereotype you conform to!

Created by RaeBuzz
On Feb 25, 2016

How many books do you read a month?

Which of these animals would you prefer as a pet?

Given the choice, where would you prefer to live?

Which of these activities makes you feel the most relaxed?

Which of these British locations do you prefer?

Which irritates you the most?

Which word would people use to describe you?

What is your drink of choice?

Which job would you prefer?

Which festival would you like to go to most?

Country Bumpkin

Country Bumpkin

Bloody marvellous! You're a quintessential Country Bumpkin who loves long walks, big dogs and pints at midday. Your idea of suave is a Barbour jacket and a beautiful flat cap, and quite frankly you don't have time for the hustle and bustle of the city. So long as you're surrounded by the people you know (who all seem to know everyone), with the great British outdoors, you're happy as a clam.

Stiff Upper Lip

Stiff Upper Lip

Like the Great Iron Lady, you haven't got time for faffing around with frivolous emotions and complainers. You're the ultimate example of the stiff upper lip. It's raining? Pop on a coat. Boilers broken? Put on more layers. Boyfriend left you? Pour yourself a neat whiskey and get on with it, because life is for living, not sitting around complaining. You respect independence in those around you and strictly prohibit public displays of affection, because this is Britain and we hold ourselves with a little more decorum than that.

Tea Addict

Tea Addict

Who needs alcohol, soft drinks and milk when you have glorious tea?! Any situation is always improved by a cuppa' as far as your concerned, and after all these years you've become quite the connoisseur. Your ideal weekend is more likely to consist of a good book, by the fire with a brew in hand, after all, where's the fun in traipsing about in mini skirts in the rain when you can enjoy some blissful peace at home.

Binge Drinker

Binge Drinker

Life is for living, and in your opinion, living means getting blind drunk at the first opportunity. Why waste your days sitting in doors and growing old when you could be out, getting wasted, having fun and making bad decisions. If a weekend goes by where you can't remember a thing then in your book it's been a great success. Just watch how you go you wild thing you, because word on the street is livers aren't too keen on this binging game.

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