How Cool For The Summer Are You?

Shhh, don't tell your mother...

Created by PopBuzz
On Mar 29, 2017

What's your favourite drink to stay Cool For The Summer?

Which city would you be Cool For The Summer in?

What night time activity do you and your friends do to stay Cool For The Summer?

How do you feel about clothing when you're trying to be Cool For The Summer?

Pick a number that is totes Cool For The Summer.

Pick a flavour of ice cream that's just so Cool For The Summer.

What kind of music do you keep Cool To The Summer to?

Pick a song that's totally Cool For The Summer.

Pick an emoji that you think is Cool For The Summer.

Finally, how many times does it take to listen to "Cool For The Summer" in a row so that you're always Cool For The Summer?

You're not cool for the summer AT ALL.

You're not cool for the summer AT ALL.

You're room temperature for the summer.

You're room temperature for the summer.

You're maybe too hot for the summer.

You're maybe too hot for the summer.

You are SO cool for the summer

You are SO cool for the summer

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021