Sexual Archetype Test

Like 16 Personalities, but for sex.

Peters Realm
Created by Peters Realm(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Aug 26, 2019
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I'm a pretty calm person.

I'm more emotionally attached to sex.

If my partner tried to mount me, I'd actually punch them in the face.

I'm strictly a bottom.

I fear my sexual side.

I like being ordered around in the bedroom.

I can imagine myself trying to meet people at a bar.

I like it when my partner buys things for me.

It's critical for my partner to be receptive of my love for them.

My partner loving me in that of itself almost makes me aroused.

When it comes to just having sex, I'm pretty confident.

I rely on my partner for sexual energy.

Some people have called me a sadist.

Being degraded is one thing I'm really into.

Sex is a game, and I'm pretty good at it.

Attention fuels me.

If I love my partner, I'll tell them.

I like being hugged.

Sometimes I'm accused of being insensitive.

I'm pretty tolerant, sexually, of what my partner does to me.

My partner must also be my friend.

Sometimes I wonder why everyone can't just be nice.

I introduce myself to people in the interest of sex.

I prefer my partner to handle all the technical aspects of a relationship.

I like giving hugs.

Cuddling in bed is an integral aspect of a happy relationship for me.

I've been told that my judgement needs improvement.

I'm dependent.

Sex should come to me, I shouldn't have to look for it.

Being afraid of what my partner is going to do to me next turns me on.

Relationships are methodical.

I am quite perceptive.

I radiate romance.

I am kind of insecure.

I see myself as a reasonably attractive person.

I have an interest in aphrodisiacs.

Sometimes I make animal noises during sex (growling, howling, etc).

I like being tied up or restrained with ropes.

Unconventional fetishes really aren't my thing.

Sex is a pretty practical matter, when you get right down to it.

People often catch me complaining about things.

Romance really isn't my strong suit.

I do my best to be tactful in a relationship.

I can smell fear.

Man I just want someone to bang me.

I am an idealist.

I develop plans for capturing my partner.

People sometimes seem to expect too much out of me.



Dominant • Romantic • Primal • Concentrated (Very Rare)

DRPNs are actually a pretty awkward type. In the DRPN's own mind, they want to swallow you whole but execute that through a mushy side. It also works the same way around... if a DRPN wants to express love for their partner, they'll probably do that through treating you with prospect and reason. On the awkward side, they could do some weird fetishist crap like offering you a dead squirrel. They also have a hard time understanding what's "normal" and the vanilla world of sex for them is very confusing.
DRPNs are commonly misunderstood in that they are very capable of romance but also have a sadistic side. Like any other concentrate, whatever turns them on is the goal for their partner... forget about what "sex" means.

If you hook up with a DRPN, don't be afraid to be put on a leash.

Strength: Sincere
Weakness: Shameful



Submissive • Romantic • Primal • Concentrated (Very Rare)

SRPNs are pretty chill and definitely love cuddling. They may be prone to spontaneously reaching for their partner's hindquarters, especially if they're extroverts. The bane of the SRPN is having sex just for the sake of having sex, or rather, having sex because it "feels good..." despite idealizing being "that guy" radiating sexual energy. They likely have a lot of repressed emotions that they hold on to but probably only because they blow memories out of proportion, and, you know, hold grudges against people a lot.

SPRNs like having strong political opinions.

Strength: Empathetic
Weakness: Insecure



Dominant • Romantic • Primal • Pure (Very Rare)

The average DRPU is mysterious and calm, odd for a top, but they do take a domineering role in a relationship as far as caring for their partner. Again, pretty strange for a dominant, but DRPUs wouldn't even mind doing the dishes and the laundry, cooking dinner, etc... this is out of a strong romantic love (so, not just for the sake of doing chores), and they actually use more than just the kitchen sink as an outlet for getting some of that romance out. Alternatively, they may have a tendency to think that just everyone should be acting this way instead of the horrible boogers as a sad excuse for an American citizen. When they're rowdy, they may use a body pillow kind of as a baby would a pacifier.

Also the most likely type to, when they find out what it is, think vore is "kinda cool."

Strength: Concerned
Weakness: Self-righteous



Submissive • Romantic • Primal • Pure (Very Rare)

Being a submissive primal comes with some difficult prospects of the world and society. SRPUs tend to wonder why everyone just can't get along, but they need to learn that not everyone can be as accepting as them. They'll probably even make some effort to express this, like advertising the furry club in the school newspaper or reading stuff on BuzzFeed. As far as sex goes, they're relatively tolerant of what their partner may want to experiment with, be it aphrodisiacs or doing it on the roof. SPRUs really respect people who genuinely care about them, and that's where a lot of their affection will come from to reciprocate that.

Being just another blur in the crowd is their worst nightmare.

Strength: Idealistic
Weakness: Delusional



Dominant • Sexual • Primal • Concentrated (Uncommon)

Will probably hurt you. DXPNs are similar to DRPNs in that they do have a very heavy primal demeanor, but the DXPN's romantic side is buried a little deeper and may be a little harder to dig out. This type will probably experience some difficulty finding a permanent partner because they aren't really willing to express affection (but, they will under a lot of stress) and need sexual input to function properly. This makes them very high-maintenance and not just anyone... especially any woman... will want to fulfill that. They're also the most likely type to carry unconventional fetishes.

They expect their partners to come crawling after they tear their legs off.

Strength: Trustworthy, Strong-willed
Weakness: Can get carried away



Submissive • Sexual • Primal • Concentrated (Very Rare)

SXPNs are very receptive to intercourse and may even come up with some eccentric experimental ideas along the way. Unlike SXPUs, they may actually prefer not to be verbally degraded as a form of BDSM because that would create the impression that their partner is rejecting the SXPN's love. As a sexual submissive, they will actually want you to listen in to what they have to say, eventually... so, this may be odd, but types with an X may not be the healthiest for them. A DRPN is probably the best match for them.

SXPNs are empathetic but they repress it with a hydraulic press.

Strength: Tolerant
Weakness: Dependent



Dominant • Sexual • Primal • Pure (Common)

You can probably tell that a relation between a DXPU and SXPN will have a very unspoken amount of romance. A healthy DXPU will use their partner for sex, but also worries "heh, heh... but you still love me, right?" in the back of their minds. This is what's difficult: Finding a partner that will take one for the team and only mention they love you once every time styrofoam decomposes in a Bangkok landfill. They despise the concept of a relation based on what seems to only be romance, like it's totally whole grain bland. But again, validation is something DXPUs need but deny that they do. They may watch a lot of porn.

"MILF" is a term they ironically learn at an early age.

Strength: Confident
Weakness: Insensitive



Submissive • Sexual • Primal • Pure (Uncommon)

SXPUs emanate sexual energy but even so require input for just being casual during sex. This means that they tend to get aroused on the fly and view the whole concept of sex as just something you do to relieve that tension; it's believed that sex doesn't necessarily have an emotional connection. Why should it be limited to just one partner? Respectively, they are receptive to experiments in bed, but at the same time worry in the back of their minds that they're just a snowflake and being receptive to those experiments is just to compensate for some acceptance that they can't really come up with anything kinky themselves.

They live the majority of their lives in or around a cage.

Strength: Agreeable
Weakness: Might whine a lot



Dominant • Romantic • Civil • Concentrated (Common)

DRCNs like a clean slate in a relationship; Sex is a serious commodity to them. The last thing they want to do is tarnish its purity, and it's only available to the highest shelf partners. Their agreeableness with romance is expressed through a civil function, in that romance is different for highly evolved creatures. DRCNs are more likely to enjoy a chilled glass of champagne in a moonlit cabin, cuddles, the works, and only have sex after dinner. Odd for a concentrate, they appear to be inflexible but will submit to their primal instinct when the opportunity comes along.

A break from an organized relationship may as well turn them on.

Strength: Firm, Trustworthy
Weakness: By the book



Submissive • Romantic • Civil • Concentrated (Very Common)

SRCNs are very likely to be female. Their primary function is submissive romantic, which may unfortunately lead to them being very high-maintenance. What they really want is just someone to tell them they love them and appreciate all the hard work they put into a relationship. SRCNs may apparently marry someone just for the sake of marrying, or that it's just "part of life." They are though, believe it or not, sexual deviants at heart, but as though they're aware may only take it to something like a threesome.

They probably post pictures of their home cooked meals on Facebook for attention.

Strength: Warm, Sensitive
Weakness: Nags a lot



Dominant • Romantic • Civil • Pure (Very Common)

DRCUs view sex as something sacred and may prefer not to talk about it outside the family. It's a precious commodity and shouldn't be blown out of proportion. The DRCU believes that there is a certain purity in anything, and spoiling that is regrettable. For the most part though, they are romantic and express that energy wisely by their own judgement. They do ignore their necessity for sexual input to the best of their ability, and frankly, one who overuses anything may allow themselves to be unhealthy. Technically speaking, a normal DRCU will enjoy a partner that occasionally gets naughty.

They prefer their bagels plain.

Strength: Loyal
Weakness: Obstinate



Submissive • Romantic • Civil • Pure (Very Common)

SRCUs are similar to SRCNs but may get aroused more easily. This comes from the submissive civil function and romantic dominant, they will find just cuddling or resting their heads in their partner's general lap area supersedes emotion provided by just doin' it. They may find that they awkwardly require some medium of romantic release, like something to physically hold on to. What they accept most is someone to serve them willingly, treat them well, and likewise. This is odd for a submissive, as this typically applies to dominants, so it actually isn't completely uncommon for SRCUs to be male.

SRCUs have trouble concentrating.

Strength: Responsible, perceptive
Weakness: Reserved



Dominant • Sexual • Civil • Concentrated (Very Common)

DXCNs may appear to be inconsistent. If they do enjoy sexual relations, which they do, they also appreciate relationships just for the sake of them. They may find that hunting for partners in large groups is helpful and makes them all confident; DXCNs are social animals. They don't carry much sexual energy as opposed to romantic but only when they find themselves alone in a room with someone they really love. As they are very likely to be male, they aren't necessarily impulsive but may embed their need for sexual input just by going to Hooter's.

Rubbing alcohol is the DXCN's favorite beverage.

Strength: Charming
Weakness: Apathetic



Submissive • Sexual • Civil • Concentrated (Common)

SXCNs may find that, especially as teenagers, they are commonly mistaken for needing attention when they are really just trying to give attention. This is what happens when you take a civil dominant function and execute it through a submissive sexual function... and consequently, SXCNs are very social and may resort to discussing their relationship situations with their other lady friends (or guy friends, but SXCNs are very likely to be female). What they don't seem to realize is that the ideal SXCN is any man's dream, being highly receptive to sex, experimenting, giving attention, and might even say they love you if you ask them to.

They may suspiciously smell like fish.

Strength: Creative
Weakness: Self-destructive



Dominant • Sexual • Civil • Pure (Very Common)

DXCUs are extremely impulsive and seem to find that the first decision they come up with will find its own way of working. Like any other sexual dominant, though, they crave attention, and even more as a civil submissive, might even find themselves boasting a little. They are also similar to DXPUs in that they seem to always worry that maybe their partner doesn't really love them and will probably need that validation every so often. DXCUs will absolutely refuse to talk about this though. Commonly mistaken for DXCNs, they do carry a lot more sexual energy and find places to discharge that instead of finding places to absorb it.

If a Dodge RAM is high-maintenance, then so is a DXCU.

Strength: Bold, Charismatic
Weakness: Poor Judgement



Submissive • Sexual • Civil • Pure (Common)

SXCUs have found themselves wandering in the midst in a lifelong quest for attention and validation. Not to be confused with an SXCN, SXCUs will use sex to grab anyone's preoccupation, but they are still self-destructive and insecure. Finding someone is its own war without having to worry that you'll kill the moment with some wild experimental fetish junk. They may even find themselves in tension with their close friends and fight for respect on an invisible hierarchy. Male SXCUs actually aren't uncommon.

Sometimes they're scary.

Strength: Sociable, Perceptive
Weakness: Over the top

Sexual Archetype Test

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