Which Book Thief Character Are You?

Are you Liesel, Rudy, Max, Hans, Death, or someone else?

Patty D
Created by Patty D (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 6, 2015

What is one of your favorite hobbies?

How do people you don't know well view you?

How do people you know well view you?

What would you do if someone was being mean to your loved one?

Did you like the book or the movie better?

What do your eyes look like?

What is your favorite color?

Liesel Meminger

Liesel Meminger

You are very brave and mentally strong. On of your top priorities is family and friends and you have a desire to prove yourself.

Rudy Steiner

Rudy Steiner

You have a cheerful and happy spirit. One of your hobbies is sports and you love to move around. You're outgoing and you deeply care about your loved ones.

Max Vandenburg

Max Vandenburg

Your main personality trait is caring. You always put yourself in the shoes of others and care about others. You're charming and personable.



Before people get to know you, they view you are cold and mean. Once they get through the outside shell, they realize you are actually very sweet and nice.

Hans Hubermann

Hans Hubermann

You are creative and view life as an art. There are highs and lows in life, but you know just how to get you and your loved ones through it. You have a kind soul.

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