Which Witness Stone series character are you?

Chose which answer best represents you from the Witness Stone book series.

Created by Mysteryoverlord (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 10, 2015

What is your greatest fear?

How do you feel about people?

What magical ability do you want if you were allowed to chose?

What type of personality would you rate yourself?

How well do you do in a crisis?

What is your main motivation?

Do you have any ghosts?

Do you have any memories or times in your life you regret?

How would you react if you saw someone was being bullied?

What beat of music do you like most?

Alexender Song

Alexender Song

You are ALEX SONG!

You are very dependable and always seem to know what to say to help those around you, even though in reality you don't. You are very good at reading people and you know how to put yourself on hold for the greater good. You see the bigger picture more than most do and look to the future for the hope it just might bring. You are the voice of reason and never allow fear to stop you, even if its someone else's fear.

Akio Ridge

Akio Ridge


You are the big sibling and always care for those who cannot care for themselves. You love your family the most and will do anything for them, like going after a princess. You are the first to volunteer for anything and the last to leave. You are strong in all ways, on the outside. On the inside, you hurt for those who are not as strong as you. Especially if they are those close to you.

Nova Hunter

Nova Hunter

You are NOVA!

You are the type of person who looks after themselves before you look after others. That is not to say that you do not care for others, but if they are someone who you do not think is the best person in the world, you tend to shun them. You do have redeeming qualities, however, in your drive to help your family and prove yourself. If chosen for a task, you will do anything to complete it. Even if it means going above and beyond. You can also be very prideful, but that’s one trait you aren't willing to boast about.

Nic Serpent

Nic Serpent


You are sturdy and someone who is willing to help. Unlike your surname, you are not very cunning and often open with you emotions, to the point that you are not very good at keeping secrets. Things just start pouring from your mouth like its a waterfall. So instead, you tend to keep away from secret related events. However, if you do need to keep a secret that someone will be hurt if you tell, no one will be able to get it out of you. You have loads of self control.

Valden Hunter

Valden Hunter


You are loyal to the end and willing to do a lot of things but putting yourself at risk is not one of them. You are level headed and think things through to the end. You take care of yourself very well and you are skilled in whatever you want to be. You are more sporty than most mercenaries and love to be different from the rest. Your dream is to make sure that your family are the best people they can be, including you sister.

Alace Serpent

Alace Serpent


Like the unique spelling of your name, you love to be different. You often try to change yourself to /not/ fit the mold of those around you and you are almost scared of things staying the same way for too long. It always feels like the calm before the storm. You enjoy controlling things and you never think too much about the future without being overwhelmed.

River Tate

River Tate


You have seen your fair share of hard times, but you never let it keep you down for long. You always get right back in the saddle after you fall and you love animals. Your greatest desire is to be just like your role model but you do not ever feel that will happen. You are hard on yourself at times, but the rest of the time you are almost arrogant in your knowledge. You like to show off what you know.

Tavern Ridge

Tavern Ridge


You are scared of who you are and not measuring up, often letting your fear overwhelm you. You depend on those around you too much. You are a natural born leader and stronger than most give you credit for. You are harder on yourself than you should be. You also enjoy a day just relaxing and hanging out with the friends you do have and manage to keep. You have one best friend who is pretty much your everything and helps you out so much. Overall, you are strong enough to wake up everyday scared of everything and still willing to do what it takes to make it back to your family. You are not someone who is willing to give up, no matter what you feel or think or what those around you feel or think.

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