Can We Guess Your Personality Based On The Food You Eat?
Can We Guess Your Personality Based On The Food You Eat?
The way you eat actually reveals a lot about your personality.
The way you eat actually reveals a lot about your personality.

Pick your breakfast:
Which of the following best describes you?
How do you eat pizza?
What looks most appealing to you right now?
You just arrived in a different country with your family. What's the first thing you eat?
How many meals do you have per day?
Which of the following bizarre foods would you be willing to try?
Do you prefer salty or sweet?
What's your favorite dessert?
Ambitious Powerhouse
Ambitious Powerhouse
You are extremely driven and goal-orientated. You are very productive and always busy, which explains why you are such a fast-eater. You have the tendency to be impatient, so you shove your food down as fast as you can. This way, you can quickly finish your plate and do something even more important.
Adventurous Explorer
Adventurous Explorer
You are energetic, lively, and daring. You are always looking for the next gastronomic adventure. You would try anything someone offers to you. When it comes to food – and probably other areas of life – you are a thrill seeker and a risk-taker. You love to step out of your comfort zone and are open to new experiences.
Careful Introvert
Careful Introvert
You are very detailed-orientated and you always think things through thoroughly. You are analytical and contemplative. Your approach to eating, and life, is quite methodical. You are a strategic, task-focused planner. You are disciplined with a border-line stubborn tendency to complete on task before moving on to another. In regards to food, you tend to be a picky eater. You also do a lot of food-prep, you pay attention to nutrition, and are the type who eats one item of food in its entirety before moving on to the next.
Confident Leader
Confident Leader
You are a natural-born leader. You are very self-reliant and intuitive. You are also quite calm and even-keeled. People trust you to keep things under control. In fact, you are a slow eater because you like to be in control. You are mindful about what you’re consuming. You also have the incredible ability to understand your surroundings. You definitely know how to appreciate life and make the most out of it.
Passionate Extrovert
Passionate Extrovert
You are friendly, outgoing, and enthusiastic. You are very social, and food and friends go hand-in-hand. Going out to eat with a bunch of people is one of your favorite activities. To you, food is more than just a basic need. It is a part of your life. You attach meaning to the meals you’ve shared with loved ones. You are an emotional person and are very in touch with your feelings.
Nurturing Peacemaker
Nurturing Peacemaker
You are very warm and people-focused, placing the needs of other people over your own. You are really sensitive and supportive. You are the type of person who bakes an entire chocolate cake to cheer up a friend who’s having a bad day. You are also quite receptive and always open to new suggestions. You like to negotiate and keep people content. You are very selfless, caring, and helpful. When someone gets sick, you’re the one who brings the chicken soup and calls a million times asking if they need anything else.