Which Iconic Rom-Com Leading Lady Are You?

Find out your romantic comedy spirit animal now.

Created by Moviefone (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

When you're super hungry, your go-to food is...

What's your favorite accessory?

Who do you usually fall for?

It's Friday night. What are you doing?

Pick a color.

Which TV show would you most likely binge on?

Which quote could you hear yourself saying?

Which artist best represents your music collection?

You are... Jenna Rink, '13 Going on 30'

You are... Jenna Rink, '13 Going on 30'

You are spunky, driven, and adorably sentimental. You have a nerdy, sensitive side behind that super popular social butterfly bubbly exterior. Don't lose it! Cause you're totally awesome.

You are... Andie Anderson, 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'

You are... Andie Anderson, 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'

You're witty, charming, and tons of fun, but you also want to be taken seriously when it comes to your career. You're fiercely independent but you're also a great friend. You know how to let loose and hang with pretty much anyone. Any time. Any place.

You are... Sally Albright, 'When Harry Met Sally'

You are... Sally Albright, 'When Harry Met Sally'

You're smart, sensitive, and little ray of sunshine. You know exactly what you want, and that's a good thing. Your optimism is practically contagious, but you have a dark side too... Kinda.

You are... Bridget Jones, 'Bridget Jones's Diary'

You are... Bridget Jones, 'Bridget Jones's Diary'

We like you just as you are! You're downright hysterical and a joy to be around. You might be a little awkward and a little chaotic at times, but that's what makes you so lovable. Plus, you rarely turn down a good stiff drink.

You are... Annie Hall, 'Annie Hall'

You are... Annie Hall, 'Annie Hall'

Well, la di da. Aren't you just adorable? You're quirky, sweet, and always up for trying new things, but you're also down to earth. Your unique style and attitude towards life is magnetic and incredibly endearing.

You are... Elle Woods, 'Legally Blonde'

You are... Elle Woods, 'Legally Blonde'

Well, aren't you fabulous? But that doesn't mean you don't have brains, too. You're smarter than you look. Sure, you love a well put-together outfit and a memorable rager, but you're also seriously driven to succeed and inspire. You're our hero.

You are... Vivian Ward, 'Pretty Woman'

You are... Vivian Ward, 'Pretty Woman'

You tell it like it is and you march by the beat of your own drum. You're smart, loyal, honest, perceptive, and savvy. Who wouldn't fall in love with you? Your charisma is off the charts. Take care of you.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021