Which Glee Educator Should be Your Teacher?

Is it hard-core Sue? Dreamer Will? Find out here!

Created by i-ship-klaine (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

What is/was your favorite academic class?

Are you good about doing things on time?

What kind of music do you like?

What's your opinion on homework?

How do you think students should be assessed?

Do you like to read?

What's your dream job out of these?

You come home from work/school, what kind of snack do you grab?

Someone gave you tickets to any event. Where would you go?

Are you most likely the bully or the bullied?

Will Schuester

Will Schuester

Mr. Schue is the teacher for you! You seem to like to be able to have freedom in the classroom, and learn things your own way. Wether in school or not, you don't like when people discourage your dreams.

Sue Sylvester

Sue Sylvester

Coach Sue is the teacher for you! You like to be pushed outside your comfort zone, and try new things that can become learning experiences. You see the good in people, including Sue.

Emma Pillsbury

Emma Pillsbury

You got Mrs. Pillsbury! You like to get stuff done and never would hold an assignment off 'till the last second. You are very compassionate and generous inside the classroom and out.

Shelby Corcoran

Shelby Corcoran

You got Ms. Corcoran! You are very outgoing and like so share your ideas with the world. Sometimes you do things your own way, but so does Ms. Corcoran. You two would have a lot of fun!

Holly Holliday

Holly Holliday

You got Ms. Holliday! You are very free-spirited and don't like to be tied down. You enjoy learning new things, but in your own way. You are very flexible, and so is Ms. Holliday!

Coach Beiste

Coach Beiste

You got Coach Beiste! You like to be tested and pushed. You work hard, but also love rewards. Sometimes you feel different, but that just motivates you more. Coach Beiste would be an excellent teacher for you.

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