This Visual Test Will Determine Your Greatest Strength
This Visual Test Will Determine Your Greatest Strength
Pick from these pictures to learn what your greatest strength is!
Pick from these pictures to learn what your greatest strength is!

Pick a color
Pick an ocean
Pick a pattern
Pick a sky
Pick a famous destination
Pick a moon
Pick a flower
Pick a cat
Pick a sunset
Pick an image that most appeals to you
Your greatest strength is kindness. You care deeply for others, and you are not afraid to show it. You're the kind of person who always helps people, no matter what the personal cost to you. Your kindness will likely come back to you tenfold!
Your greatest strength is your intelligence! You always know what's going on, and have a keen ability to read between the lines. You're the type to finish the daily crossword while discussing international politics, without ever missing a beat. Your intelligence is sure to take you far.
Your greatest strength is your loyalty! You are a true friend, and you are the type to stick by those you care for through thick and thin. No matter what challenges may arise in your friendships, you will always be known for being dependable in any situation.
Your greatest strength is your perseverance! You are the type of person who never gives up, no matter how tough things get. You know that life sometimes hands you lemons, and you're always able to find a way to make lemonade - no matter how long it takes.
Your greatest strength is your diplomacy! You are a solid mediator, able to make sure everything works out for those around you. You help your friends when they are struggling, and you're able to solve any conflict that may arise. You're a much-needed team member and are valued in any career.
Your greatest strength is your leadership! You don't follow trends, you set them. You're the type of person who's always coming up with a new, better way to do things, and others take note of your achievements. You're the type of person who is bound to have a crowd follow wherever you're headed.