Can You Master The Ultimate Ghostbusters & Ghostbusters 2 Trivia?

Who you gonna call?

Miranda Johnson
Created by Miranda Johnson (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 21

Which actress played the Ghostbusters' secretary Janine?

2 / 21

What character does Bill Murray play?

3 / 21

What stops the Stay-Puft man's character?

4 / 21

What makes Dana turn to the Ghostbusters in the second film?

5 / 21

Who does Dana have a relationship with in the 2nd film?

6 / 21

A super-tough one: what is the Ghostbusters phone number?

7 / 21

In Ghostbusters 2, how do the guys escape criminal charges?

8 / 21

Who played the voice of Zuul?

9 / 21

What does the evil slime in Ghostbusters 2 feed off of?

10 / 21

Name this character:

11 / 21

What are Raymond, Egon, and Peter's jobs at the start of Ghostbusters?

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Where is Vigo housed in Ghostbusters 2?

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Where does the team work in the beginning?

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What are the weapons the Ghostbusters use?

15 / 21

Who is the fourth member of the Ghostbusters?

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What is the name of Zuul's boss?

17 / 21

What agency does Walter Peck represent?

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Why does the Stay Puft marshmallow man attack?

19 / 21

What technique do the Ghostbusters use to finally stop Gozer?

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What does Zuul call itself?

21 / 21

Name the first ghost the Ghostbusters capture:

Questions left
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