Beck: The “Know Your Neighbor” Quiz

Swedish detective Martin Beck is good at one thing – methodically catching criminals so they can be put away for a long time. Martin’s Neighbor is good at two things – always being there for Martin at the end of a long day with the promise of some liquid refreshment, and wearing a neckbrace like a boss. How well do you know The Neighbor?

MHz Choice
Created by MHz Choice (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Aug 18, 2016
1 / 11

The Neighbor’s trademark is his infamous neck brace, which he’s worn for all but two of his appearances. Why wasn’t he wearing his neck brace for the final two episodes of Season 1?

2 / 11

What did the Neighbor get for Christmas in 1971?

3 / 11

When was The Neighbor’s mother born?

4 / 11

The Neighbor once glued his teeth together. How did this happen?

5 / 11

When he was 14, the Neighbor stole what from the zoo?

6 / 11

How did the Neighbor’s father used to try and get dates?

7 / 11

Several years ago, Martin was shocked by the Neighbor’s announcement that he was moving. Where did he move to?

8 / 11

The Neighbor has encountered Gunvald only a handful of times. What were his first words to him?

9 / 11

One of the few times we’ve seen The Neighbor get emotional is when his brother died. What keepsake did his brother give him?

10 / 11

The Neighbor, Martin and Martin’s German colleague Hans Sperling sometimes performed together as a vocal trio. What parts does The Neighbor sing?

11 / 11

In the U.S., which streaming service will exclusively premiere the final episodes of BECK?

Questions left
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