Taking Your Relationship Pulse

How strong is your relationship? Find out with this easy quiz!

Melissa Cohen LCSW
Created by Melissa Cohen LCSW (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2018

1. I love a lot of my partner’s personality traits.

2. My partner helps me feel emotionally secure.

3. My partner does housework.

4. My partner takes my feelings into account when making decisions.

5. I can rely on my partner to talk to me when I am sad or angry.

6. My partner can be extremely selfish.

7. I think we can get through any adversity together.

8. My partner will work hard to increase our financial security.

9. In arguments, I can trust my partner to really listen to me.

10. We often get so excited talking that we finish each other’s sentences.

11. We argue about the same things over and over again.

12. My partner really understands me.

13. My partner spontaneously tells me how much he or she loves me.

14. My partner is glad to see me at the end of the day.

15. My partner is chronically negative.

16. My partner says things to hurt me out of spite.

17. My partner tries to catch me in inconsistencies to show I am lying.

18. My partner is very sexually attracted to me.

19. My partner gets along with my family.

20. We have built a strong relationship.



Congratulations! This is an excellent indication that your relationship is strong. That is a major accomplishment.
Copy and paste this link into your browser to download your personalized results: https://bit.ly/2IfQrHA



Couples may say that everything is “fine” and that they are managing the demands of their hectic lives. On further exploration though, it is clear that they haven’t felt really connected for some time.
Copy and paste this link into your browser to download your personalized results: https://bit.ly/2Gp0ucT

Mostly Negative

Mostly Negative

Warning bells are ringing. It’s time to ask yourself: what are the unresolved issues and resentments that are contributing to the negative feelings in my relationship?
Copy and paste this link into your browser to download your personalized results: https://bit.ly/2pPLi1C

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