Can We Guess When You Lost Your Virginity Based On Your Choice Of Ice Cream?
Can We Guess When You Lost Your Virginity Based On Your Choice Of Ice Cream?
Did you know that your choice in ice cream is directly related to when you "popped" your cherry? Let's see if we can get it right! Take this ice cream test to reveal when you lost your virginity.
Did you know that your choice in ice cream is directly related to when you "popped" your cherry? Let's see if we can get it right! Take this ice cream test to reveal when you lost your virginity.
Pick a vanilla-based ice cream:
Pick a slice of ice cream cake:
Pick a chocolate-based ice cream:
Pick a summery ice cream treat:
Pick a trend-forward ice cream product:
Pick a dairy-free ice cream treat:
Pick a milkshake:
Pick a retro ice cream treat:
You lost your virginity when you were...12
You lost your virginity when you were...12
You out your virginity pretty early and had no clue what you were doing clue. You don't even know if it even happened, you can only assume that all that humping led to something...
You lost your virginity when you were...16
You lost your virginity when you were...16
You lost your virginity at the age of 16...the year in high school when you finally )almost) realize who you are and are (kinda) comfortable in your own skin. It was awkward, but it felt like a good time to start "experimenting".
You lost your virginity when you were...19
You lost your virginity when you were...19
You waited until you were out of high school to get "busy" and man were you ever glad you did. You truly felt prepared (somewhat) for when the opportunity came to "lose it". Candles may or may not have been involved.
You lost your virginity when you were...24
You lost your virginity when you were...24
You were a bit of a late bloomer, but you had your reasons for waiting! You just wanted to wait until all the boys you knew became better kissers. It was worth it!
Can We Guess When You Lost Your Virginity Based On Your Choice Of Ice Cream?