What Kind Of Gamer Are You?

Create your save file and hit the start button.

Mel Bailey
Created by Mel Bailey
On Mar 14, 2016

What is the goal of this game?

How would you beat these enemies?

What is your next move here?

What kind of game is this?

Would you like to go to the Con?

Choose your weapon.

What would make this game better?

Have you ever been addicted to Candy Crush?

What was your introduction to video games?

What is the most satisfying moment in gaming?

Casual Gamer

Casual Gamer

Games are supposed to be fun, right? And brightly colored and filled with adorable characters. You don't mind fighting enemies, as long as they disappear when they die. And hey, who says casual gamers aren't competitive? You love to win, and when you do, you celebrate with dancing and/or fireworks.

Stat Gamer

Stat Gamer

They haven't yet developed an RPG (MMO or otherwise) that you can't grind your way all the way through. When you close your eyes you dream of new ways to upgrade your armor. The day you find the mithril ore you need to max your weapon, will be one of the best days of your life.

Hard Core Gamer

Hard Core Gamer

Why would anyone bother playing games where you couldn't blow stuff up? Or shoot it? Or shoot it and then blow it up? But you are more than just a hired gun. You're also skilled at hand-to-hand combat. Lately, you've become an expert at stealth, so you can sneak up on your enemy and shoot them.

Old School Gamer

Old School Gamer

You remember playing video games when you needed quarters. You remember when you didn't have second chances. When you couldn't save your game. The good old days. When it's time to buy a new game, while your friends go to the mall, you go on EBay to fill out your sweet collection.

Puzzle Gamer

Puzzle Gamer

What in tarnation is an Assassins Creed? Never heard of it. All you need is a good old number two pencil and the Sunday crossword puzzle. Or a deck of cards and a sturdy table. Or a chess board. What people don't understand these days is that games don't have to beep and boop to be fun, right?

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021