A Simple Therapy Cat Has Given This 6-Year-Old With Autism A New Lease On Life

The art she creates is extraordinary.

Matthew Pound
Created by Matthew Pound
On Feb 25, 2016

Iris is a six-year-old with autism that was struggling to adapt to normal life. Luckily, things have drastically improved since her best friend Thula the cat has come on the scene.


Iris has found her voice with Thula by her side. Her parents have seen improvements in her speech, reading and home education.


She has even developed some hidden talents.


Her unique way of interacting with the world has aided her in unexpected ways.


Her mother writes, "She found her voice through painting".


Her pieces have already been bought by art collectors.


Her life has even been turned in to book that is inspiring for those struggling with the illness. Her mother comments, "I wanted to raise awareness of autism, to show people that there can be a future, a bright one".


You can check out the original story here: http://www.boredpanda.com/autistic-artist-thula-therapy-cat-different-is-brilliant-iris-grace/

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