13 Reasons Jesse From Pitch Perfect Is Your Dream Fictional Boyfriend

(Aside from the fact that he has a delightful singing voice.)

Mary Brandon
Created by Mary Brandon
On Mar 29, 2017

He's adorable even when he's drunk.

(But he's totally not drunk. It's fine.)


He actually addresses issues instead of ignoring them.

This was such a sweet and sad scene....


His smile could melt ice off a glacier.

It melts stone-cold Beca's heart...


He's got the moves like Jagger.

To go along with that perfect voice.


He somehow is teasing and supportive at the same time.

You know he'd never miss anything you do.


He's a total goof.

Pretty sure that's how he won Beca over.


He fails adorably at smack talk.

And would probably be the guy to go "oooh burn!" after one of his own sassy comments.


He makes good points.

And provides Capri Suns for hang outs!


Seriously, he's the most adorable drunk ever.

Nice to know you won't have to take care of him when he drinks. Just keep an eye on him and listen to the things coming out of his mouth.


He plays a mean air guitar.

That and his karaoke skills would make him an awesome road trip partner.


He's got some pretty decent fashion sense.

Lots of button ups and really nice jackets? A+ good sir.


He looks at the girl he likes like this.

I'm not swooning, you're swooning. OKAY I AM SWOONING.


He accepts apologies - and takes everything in stride.

And he knows when to celebrate "getting the girl."

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021