Which Trix Sister Are You?

We all know villains are the best,
so why don't you take this little test?
Are you independent Icy, deceptive Darcy or sassy Stormy?

Maisy Grant
Created by Maisy Grant (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 6, 2015

Which Winx do you despise most?

Which outfit would you wear?

What's your motto?

What makes you a great villain?

Describe the state of your heart

What makes you laugh?

Which villain do you like best?

Which cup of coffee would you drink from?

Which pair of heels would you wear?



You are Icy! She is a cold hearted diva and can be very cruel, but because of this she is a natural leader, powerful and extremely independent. Icy is the most vindictive and vicious one of the three sisters and is extremely intelligent. Her strength in battle comes from her ambitious personality and because she is ruthless towards her opponents



You are Darcy! She is a manipulative and devious girl. Darcy is the most cunning and malicious villain out of the three. Darcy tends to think things through before she acts and uses illusions and mystery to confuse and control her opponents. Her greatest strength in battle is discovering weaknesses and exploiting them.



You are Stormy! Stormy tends not to think before she acts and can be quick to anger. But because of her temper she is assertive and dynamic. Stormy is the youngest of the three sisters, which you can see in her personality, she is chaotic and impulsive. Even though her recklessness might get her in to trouble it is also her greatest strength.

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