Which Game Of Thrones House Motto Should You Live By?

Everyone needs a bit of guidance, so why not take it from Westeros?

Maggie Tyrell
Created by Maggie Tyrell
On Jan 18, 2017

Winter Is Coming

Winter Is Coming

You need to be ready for whatever comes your way, be it good or bad. However, you may want to make yourself prepared if the worst is heading your way still. It's important to stand strong and firm and be ready for anything and recognize that there is always ways to be prepared, no matter what.

As High As Honour

As High As Honour

Whether it is due to a career move or a relationship, it's going to be important to have an unblemished reputation. Make sure your honor is as unquestionable as possible. Take time with everything you do and insure that you're making the best decisions possible so as to live the life that will benefit you - and those around you - the most.

Hear Me Roar

Hear Me Roar

You need to make yourself heard! Don't shy away from letting others know your opinions. You're allowed to have a voice and nothing can change that. Whether it is related to your employment, your friendships or just your life in general, try not to let yourself get pushed against the wall and silenced.

Fire And Blood

Fire And Blood

Fierceness is the name of the game when it comes to this motto. While with this family, the term is quite literal and references relatives and, well, dragons, it's okay to play a little fast and loose with this motto (unless you really feel the need for dragons). Just make sure you value what's important and strive for every kind of success.

Family, Duty, Honour

Family, Duty, Honour

This motto is perfect for insuring that your priorities are in order. Family, duty, honor. Respect your relatives, do what is necessary to do your job and keep your reputation spotless. There's nothing wrong with doing what is best for you, but there are other things necessary to keep in mind as well.

Growing Strong

Growing Strong

Not unlike the flowers that surround this family's home, growing and developing will be the way for you to live your life. Focus on how to improve yourself more and more, even if it is something as small as devoting more time to a hobby, going after that volunteer position that sounds interesting or setting aside time for self care.

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