Do You Remember These Small Details From The Breakfast Club?

Can you get at least 12/17 in this Brat Pack quiz?

Luna Pope
Created by Luna Pope
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 17

In what year does The Breakfast Club take place?

2 / 17

Where does the story take place?

3 / 17

Who is Richard Vernon?

4 / 17

Who is the state champion wrestler?

5 / 17

The five students are assigned with a:

6 / 17

What must the essay describe?

7 / 17

Who retrieves the cannabis from his locker?

8 / 17

Andrew cannot easily think for himself.

9 / 17

Who comes from an abusive household?

10 / 17

Pick the correct statement:

11 / 17

Who was planning to kill himself with a flare gun due to a bad grade?

12 / 17

______ father verbally and physically abuses him.

13 / 17

Who is a virgin who feels constant pressure from her friends?

14 / 17

Andrew's ______ pushes him and criticizes his efforts at wrestling.

15 / 17

How does Claire break her innocent image?

16 / 17

Who kiss when the students part ways?

17 / 17

And finally, who says: "My God, are we gonna be like our parents?"

Questions left
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