Which Song Represents Your Love Life?

Look at these opening song lyrics and follow your heart to create your own endings. We will see how you are feeling and what song represents your heart right now.

Created by Lp1987
On Feb 25, 2019
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Your love life at the moment is a bit of a disaster. You feel torn and lost in the world. You might have just come through a break up and this is fine but you also need to realize that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Just as Natalie Umbruglia says 'nothings right I'm torn', trust in her words and with time you will see the light.

You have found love

You have found love

Rhianna say's it loud and clear right here. You have just found love in a hopeless place. You might have just entered something new and you are not sure about it but you know that you feel a very strong connection to your new partner at the moment. You are caught up in the fire and the thrill of the magic and you are riding the fiery wave wherever it might take you.

Drunk in Love

Drunk in Love

Love is something that you feel totally mesmerized with right now. You can't eat, sleep or drink and feel overwhelmed by your feelings. Love is a powerful source and releases the same serotonin as cocaine and you are riding that wave. Enjoy that juicy feeling because it might last forever or it might last a few more weeks.

I will always love you

I will always love you

Whether you are in a relationship or it is unrequited love, you are feeling completely besotted by someone. You feel overwhelmed and energized by love. You know its true power and even in the darkest times you will never surrender to the beauty that love really is.

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