This Adivination Test Will Determine How Your Fortune Should Be Told

Ever wondered what form of adivination would work best for you? Take this test and find out with fortune form will lead you to unlock all of life's answers!

Created by Lp1987
On Dec 11, 2015

Which Ancient culture are you drawn to?

Which of these image catches your eye most?

When you are in doubt and need to make a decision where do you turn?

You are at a crossroads, which road do you take?

Which photo do you feel represents life?

When something really bad happens, what is your attitude?

Which word describes you best?

Which element represents you best?

Which landscape resonates with you?



Your destiny lies in the stars! You are heavily connected to nature and believe that the key to the universe lies above. You are very sensitive to the movements and paths of the astral bodies. Astrology has been dated to at least the 3rd millenium BCE. It is based on the belief that there is a relationship between the human world and astrological phenomena. It is based on calendar systems and used to predict seasons and interpret different cycles as signs of fortune.



Everything lies in the palm of your hand. Your life has been decided since the day you were born and it is imprinted in the cracks of your hand, in difficult times it is a source of great comfort for you that your path has been written for you.. Palmistry is found across all cutlures. The root of Palmistry dates back to Indian astrological roots and was then spread across Eurasian landmass. Aristotle in western Europe stated that "lines are not written into the human hand without reason. They emanate from heavenly influences and man's own individuality."



Your fate lies in the mystic of our Ancient Chinese masters. Everything is planned and linked to the universe based on your particular numerical signs. Numerology is the belief in the divine relationship between a number and other events. Numerology began with the great mathmatician Pythagoras who believed that mathmatical concepts had greater actuality in our lives. He believed that everything had numerical relationships and it was up to the mind to solve such equations through divine grace!



Tha magic lies in the cards for you. When in doubt you seek advice via the form of the talented tarot reader. Tarot is the belief of using cards to gain insight into the past, present and future. It began in the 18th century with the Freemasons and was originally thought of as devils work but it was linked to the ancient Egyptian book of Thoth and was used as a tool for archetypical analysis. Tarot is one of the most practical forms of fortune telling and, rather than foretelling any specific acts, triggers introspection and soul-searching.

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