This Addition And Subtraction Quiz Will Tell You How Good You Are With Your Own Money?

Are you a master genius at math and will you make a million before you die? Let's see your master maths skills and see!

Created by Lp1987
On Oct 16, 2018

If you spend per week €90 of your €1200 monthly budget in food for your home and another €200 per month in eating out. How much is left?

If you rent is €800 per month and you spend other €600 per semester in electricity. How much do you have to earn per month to have an extra €1000 euros left after paying for both of it?

Do the maths: 2+12+22+32=

Now this one: 2-(12+22)+32=

If you have to spend €237 of your income in extraordinary expenses one month and after paying €360 for food you are left with €1000. What was your original income?


Substract 567 from 945

If you spent €200 more than what your partner did this month in common spences but he or she spent last month €150 more than what you did this one. But you paid €100 more the month before. How much is the difference and who has to pay it?

200 – (96 + 4)-15-(8-18+28)+200-(6+2)

Finance Master

Finance Master

Congratulations! E = MC2 and you are a genius! You just aced this quiz and we can tell you are going to be making millions before the age of 30! If you are over that age you have probably reached that point! Congrats and keep on crunching those costs!

Financially Stable

Financially Stable

Well done! You are quite nifty with your cash. You know how to make money but you also know how to spend it. Money isn't your forte but you are always ok. Saving might be troublesome but you always live your best life.

Financial Disaster

Financial Disaster

Maths and you just don't work. You have no idea how you make it to the end of each month. Life definitely doesn't favour you and you are very impulsive with your cash. Try and take some tips on saving and cut down your frivolous expenses.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021